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[Xen-API] [PATCH 3 of 7] [XIU]: when a domain target is updated, transfe

To: xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH 3 of 7] [XIU]: when a domain target is updated, transfer the memory immediately from the host, respecting both the domain's max_mem and the total amount of memory free on the host
From: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 22:47:28 +0000
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# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1259361888 0
# Node ID b78334e85b36387b511281266fd2992c554f1842
# Parent  e689f715a442831262e908bdb333bd43368f8eaf
[XIU]: when a domain target is updated, transfer the memory immediately from 
the host, respecting both the domain's max_mem and the total amount of memory 
free on the host.

Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r e689f715a442 -r b78334e85b36 ocaml/xiu/xiu.ml
--- a/ocaml/xiu/xiu.ml  Fri Nov 27 22:44:47 2009 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xiu/xiu.ml  Fri Nov 27 22:44:48 2009 +0000
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 open Printf
 open Pervasiveext
+open Threadext
 type inject_error_ty =
        | Inject_error_create
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@
 let cpu_speed_mhz = ref (1 * 1000) (* by default 1 ghz *)
 let physical_free_kib = ref ((4 * 1024 - 1) * 1024) (* by default ~4gb of free 
memory *)
 let physical_memory_kib = ref (4 * 1024 * 1024) (* by default 4gb of memory *)
+let host_m = Mutex.create ()
 (** utility *)
 let create_unix_socket name =
@@ -152,14 +154,34 @@
        try Hashtbl.find domains domid
        with Not_found -> raise Domain_not_found
+let round_down_to_page x = (x / 4) * 4
+(** Add up to [delta_kib] memory to the domain, reducing the host free memory 
by the same amount *)
+let transfer_to_domain dom delta_kib =
+  Mutex.execute host_m
+         (fun () ->
+                  let available_kib = min !physical_free_kib delta_kib in
+                  eprintf "(XIU) transfer_to_domain domid = %d; delta_kib = 
%d\n%!" dom.domid delta_kib;
+                  dom.tot_mem_kib <- dom.tot_mem_kib + available_kib;
+                  physical_free_kib := !physical_free_kib - available_kib
+         )
 (** immediately set the tot_mem_kib to the requested balloon target *)
 let read_memory_target xs domid = 
        let path = Printf.sprintf "/local/domain/%d/memory/target" domid in
-               let mem = xs.Xs.read path in
+               let mem = int_of_string (xs.Xs.read path) in
                let dom = domain_find domid in
-               dom.tot_mem_kib <- int_of_string mem
-       with e -> eprintf "(XIU) Failed to parse memory target of domid %d\n" 
+               (* Enforce the max_mem limit *)
+               if mem > dom.max_mem_kib
+               then eprintf "(XIU) domid %d target = %d KiB but max_mem = %d 
KiB\n%!" domid mem dom.max_mem_kib;
+               let requested = round_down_to_page (min mem dom.max_mem_kib) in
+               let delta_kib = requested - dom.tot_mem_kib in
+               transfer_to_domain dom delta_kib;
+               if dom.tot_mem_kib <> requested
+               then eprintf "(XIU) domid %d requested %d KiB but only got %d 
KiB\n%!" domid requested dom.tot_mem_kib;
+       with e -> eprintf "(XIU) Failed to parse memory target of domid %d\n%!" 
 (** Maximum number of dummy<N> devices fixed at module-load time *)
 let max_dummy_vifs = 1000
@@ -496,6 +518,8 @@
 let domain_get_shadow_allocation domid = (domain_find domid).shadow_allocation
 let domain_list_from first max =
+  Mutex.execute host_m
+         (fun () ->
        let domains_at_first = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc ->
                if k >= first then v :: acc else acc
        ) domains [] in
@@ -510,6 +534,7 @@
                Array.to_list a
+         )
 let marshall_int fd i =
        let buf = sprintf "%d\n" i in
1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
ocaml/xiu/xiu.ml |   31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---

Attachment: xen-api.hg-7.patch
Description: Text Data

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