Re: [Xen-API] RE: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] xapi toolstack (xen-api-libs): fix
[trimmed xen-devel]
On 6 Nov 2009, at 10:28, Dave Scott wrote:
Dave wrote:
We haven't done any recent testing against xen-unstable... but we
probably should! Perhaps we could fix this XS_RESTRICT problem with
some #ifdef magic for the time-being.
Anil replied:
It might be easier to just integrate autoconf in with the OCaml m4
macros, and use its header checking and AC_SUBST for this sort of
thing. I have the m4 stuff in my local xen-api-libs tree to deselect
the stuff that will never compile on MacOS except for the fakeserver,
so could clean that up at some point if you want...
That sounds useful -- could you knock up a patch and send it over?
Here's the raw patch which just adds the autoconf infrastructure. I
stripped out the fakeserver stuff as it isnt ready yet. If someone
else could add in the needed checks for xen-unstable that would be
This patch will break the automated builds; you could have a wrapper
Makefile in mk/ which is invoked by build.hg to run (cd .. && autoconf
&& ./configure && make all).
Description: Binary data
-anil _______________________________________________
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