TO: Shakil M Khan
CC: xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi, Shakil M Khan and xen-api leaders.
Do you remember me :) , I hope to get your help about the following problem
in [Original Message] .
Recently,I try to make _proxy.KeepAlive = false; and use ssl(443 port)
to connect xen machine in C#. In unfortunately, I got a handle leak of my
but if I just change _proxy.KeepAlive = true;(default way),this handle leak
is gone.
The followint is my source sample,can you check it and tell me where is
wrong. :(
[Code Detail]
Public class GetXenTest
Session mySession;
Public SysmonXenSession GetSession(string host, string user, string
_s = new Session(host, setting.XenRPCPort);
_s.proxy.KeepAlive = false; // <----------------------- (1)
_s.login_with_password(user, password);
Return _s;
Public RawData GetCPUUtilization()
mySession = GetSession("","root","password");
//Use session to get host list
//get each cpu utilization of every host
//Make SSL from Xen Session
public class SysmonXenSession : XenAPI.Session
public SysmonXenSession(string host, int port)
: base(host, port)
static SysmonXenSession()
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback =
// The following
//new System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(
// Session.ValidateServerCertificate);
private static bool ValidateServerCertificate(
object sender,
X509Certificate certificate,
X509Chain chain,
SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
return true;
Case One:
If I change (1) to "_s.proxy.KeepAlive = true;" I got the exception:
> System.Net.WebException
> The underlying connection was closed: A connection that was expected To be
> alive was closed by the server.
Case One:
If I change (1) to "_s.proxy.KeepAlive = false;" I got a handle leak.
Could you tell why this happened, please?
Could you tell how to fix it, advice is also helpful.
Thank you so much.
Wanghl (wanghl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: wanghl [mailto:wanghl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, December 24, 2007 3:59 PM
> To: 'xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
> Subject: System.Net.WebException occurred when i use Xen C# SDK v1.1
> Hi
> When I use Xen C# SDK v1.1 to get Xen Host's Cpu Utilization every minute,
> have got an exception below aperiodically. :(
> System.Net.WebException
> The underlying connection was closed: A connection that was expected To be
> alive was closed by the server.
> Just as we know, v1.1 sdk doesn't implement xenapi's logout or dispose
> now,just login method can be used. Maybe this is why "_proxy.KeepAlive =
> is there in the XenAPI.Session Class's constructor.
> But there has an issue about this exception in
> Detail is
> 2.27 How can I stop a WebException being thrown?
> The Underlying Connection Was Closed
> When an instance of WebException is thrown with this message "The
> connection was closed: A connection that was expected to be kept alive was
> closed by the server", try setting the KeepAlive property on the proxy to
> If I change xen session's proxy.keepalive to false, is there other problem
> occurre ?
> Dose someone can tell me how to do ?
> Thanks :)
> Kino (wanghl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
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