Re: [Xen-devel] Showing sda or hda disk as xvhda on Xen Center5.6 FP1
Please don't cross post.
On Mon, 2011-11-14 at 09:50 +0000, Amrish Parikh wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Xen Center5.6 FP1 since last 8 months and it was working
> fine since last few weeks, when i observed that suddenly all new Xen
> VMs started showing me sda or hda disks as xvhd.
> This is observed when i try to create any new Xen VM on my
> XenCenter5.6FP1. All my earlier Xen VMs are still showing hda or sda
> but when i try to upgrade the respective VMs say from SLES11GA to
> SLES11 SP1, it again started showing me only xvhd.
> Can anyone on the forum let me know the reason for that?
I'm afraid not, neither of these lists are XenServer/XenCenter support
lists. You should contact Citrix support or use the Citrix forums with
your issue. e.g. http://support.citrix.com/ or
http://forums.citrix.com/support etc.
> Is there any Microsoft updates caused this?
> Thanks in advance.
> Thanks,
> Amrish Parikh
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