Re: [Xen-users] XEN - networking and performance
D. Duckworth wrote:
A vitriolic rant !
Right now I just care about creating my ideal networking solution, i.e.
routing, bridging and firewall stuff for vms with different roles.
... and Xen may not change networking in any way unless specified.
All that is trivial to do. The network-script is (I believe)
deprecated anyway as the developers realise it's not very good AND OS
native tools for things like managing bridges have improved somewhat.
It probably made sense when they were first written, and making
bridges and/or flexible setups that can survive booting in or out of
Xen, required more script voodoo than most users could muster. It's
one thing to say these scripts are rubbish, but you have to realise
the historical context from when they were written.
So comment out any network-script in your Xen config. You are now no
longer using the Xen supplied scripts for setting up your host
In your host config, get it to create the bridge - this is trivially
easy in Debian and multiple posts have been made here recently. This
is an extract from my own system at home :
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
bridge_ports peth0
address 192.168.nn.nn
gateway 192.168.nn.nn
You see, that really is all it takes to configure a bridge in Debian
these days !
My preference is to have Udev name my physical interfaces as things
like pethint, pethext, and so on. This is one simple edit in
something like /etc/udev/rules.d/<something>persistent-net-rules
where you simply change "eth<n>" for the interface to something else.
You don't have to do this, but IMO it makes things much easier as you
don't have to keep remembering whether eth0 is the outside, inside,
something else network !
These two changes will mean you have a network in Dom0 that works the
same whether booted natively or with Xen, where the Dom0 uses one (or
more) bridge(s) for it's own networking, and the physical
interface(s) are connected to the bridge(s) you want.
Now, if you want a DomU to act as a router for the rest of the
network, that's easy too - I do that at home. There are two ways of
doing it.
1) You can use pci passthrough to hide a NIC from the host and make
it available natively to the guest. Then just configure the guest to
do whatever you want with the traffic.
2) You can create another bridge but don't configure an IP address on
it in Dom0. Connect the guest to this bridge as well as the other
internal networks, and it can route traffic in the same way. This is
logically the same as option 1 but having installed a (software)
switch between the guest and the outside world.
Simon Hobson
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