Re: [Xen-users] newbie questions: copying and cloning xen vm
Hi Diedo,
thank you for your input. Unfortunatly xen-create-image is part of xen tools, so it is only available on Debian. I am using Xen 3.4 on Oracle VM, so I don't have xen-tools available : that's why I am looking for "native" xen tools to copy / clone / backup my vms.
Regards, Andrea
2011/8/11 Diego Dave <diego.dave.s@xxxxxxxxx>
Hi Andrea,
You can see the manpage of xen-create-image: http://man.cx/xen-create-image%288%29, I believe you are search a command like this...
Hi all,
I started studying xen to implement some HA cluster hosting multiple guests. I am realizing that xen does not provide any native way to hot-clone or hot-backup a guest.
Am I right ?
Is there any way to how backup a virtual machine? Or is suspend - copy - resume the only possible tecnique ?
Is there any way to clone a virtual machine? Do vm snapshots exists?
Thank you for every answer!
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