Re: [Xen-users] blktap/blktap2
On 28/07/11 16:31, Walter Robert Ditzler wrote:
> hi all,
> anyone here who knows if blktap and blktap2 are included in mainline kernel
> 3.0? I have it in my kernel config file included but can't get'em to run.
> thanks a lot, walter :-)
blktap/blktap2 is not in mainline kernel, and I'm told that it will
never be accepted there. It does, however, work on Linux 3.0 (686-pae,
not amd64). Take a look at http://downloads.xen.org/XCP/debian and
download and install the blktap-dkms package. I may be wrong, but I
think the source repository for that package is on
http://xenbits.xen.org. I've got to run, sorry I can't be more help
right now.
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