Re: [Xen-users] xen and vhd images
On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 7:32 PM, Luis Roberto Romano
<luisromano@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi
> I want to virtualize a complete physical machine. I tried by means of
> XenConvert. I exported a windows 2003 instalation to a vhd file. Then, I
> created a new virtual machine by virt-manager, I imported the existing image
> (called win2003.vhd), but at boot time, a "non-bootable device" message
> appeared.
> Any suggestions??
"You can use upstream qemu to convert VHDs into raw images.
For example:
qemu-img convert -f vpc -O raw win7.vhd win7.raw
Also you can use VHD images directly even with open source xen;
something like the following line in your VM config file should work:
disk = [ 'tap:vhd:/root/images/win7.vhd,hda,w' ]
Keep in mind that in order to use VHDs you need a dom0 kernel with
blktap2 support. Blktap2 is not upstream yet, so if you download Linux
3.0.0 and compile it yourself, blktap2 is not going to be present.
However most Linux distros that provide a dom0 kernel, like Debian, Suse
and Gentoo, also provide blktap2 in their kernel package." - Stefano
(on an unrelated private thread)
Todd Deshane
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