Re: [Xen-users] bridge networking issue from dom0 to the world
On Thu 23 Jun 2011 23:46:57 Iain Kay wrote:
> On 23 Jun 2011, at 16:47, Con Hennessy wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to setup xen and have figured out most of my issues. However
> > I'm
> >
> > stuck with a networking issue.
> >
> > From my dom0 I can ping the world and my domU. However I cannot ping
> > anything except the dom0 from inside my domU.
> Can you ping the domU from the outside world?
> Are you using the xm toolstack still (e.g. xm create /etc/xen/test2.cfg)?
> If you are using the XL toolstack then you should look at /etc/xen/xl.conf
> and uncomment the bridge line there.
I'm not using the XL toolstack - I did not even know of if until your email :(
Also the xl.conf file has no uncommented lines (and the commented lines do not
contain anything related to bridging ).
> Also if using XL then you need to disable the init.d script for xend and
> enable init.d script for xencommons.
> If you're not using the XL toolstack, have you tried that?
From what I've read about XL (and understood) then the networking is
completely setup by the admin(me). But surely I need to get the networking
working first ?
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