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Re: [Xen-users] Newbie Trying XEN with CENTOS 5.6 dom0

To: xen-users <Xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Newbie Trying XEN with CENTOS 5.6 dom0
From: Mike Sievers <saturngeist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 14:33:22 +0200
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... if you want to learn how xen works, I can recommend sles 11.
(you can download it for free, but you will get no patches until you buy it.)
I donĀ“t know, if opensuse 11.4 is as good as sles 11.1


2011/6/13 Digimer <linux@xxxxxxxxxxx>
On 06/13/2011 06:23 AM, Phillip Nkubito wrote:
Hi All,

After digging through the xen wiki, the recommendation I have found so far
for first time virtualization testing of XEN is to use Centos.

Do I get to choose which XEN hypervisor version I want to run?...e.g if I
want the latest (XEN 4.1)

At the moment I am using a liveCD - feeling my way around Linux
environment (newbie here as well)...

Any pointers to set me in the right direction will be very much appreciated.

Kind Regards,


If you are concerned about stability, then I'd just stick with the "stock" RPMs for Xen and CentOS 5.6. That is, keep the 2.6.18 kernel and Xen 3.0.3 (which is closer to 3.1 given all the patches applied).

This is what we've used for some time, and it's very, very stable. I spent quite a bit of time trying to get a newer kernel and a newer Xen 4.x going on it, but it ended up being a waste of time. I even went so far as to try myoung's F12 kernels and compiled my Xen 4.x RPMs, which worked, but I'd have random issues like NICs hanging every couple of months. In the end, I rolled all machines back to CentOS 5.6/Xen 3.0.3 and I've been happy since.

Once the work is finished to move everything into the mainline 3.0 kernel and the folks get the RPMs and updated kernels built for (likely) Fedora 16, I think then I'll revisit Xen 4. However, I doubt I'd move any production machines to it because as much as I love Fedora (it's my laptop's OS), it's *not* a server OS.


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