Re: [Xen-users] Setting vifX.Y's MTU automatically in Xen 3
On 04/15/2011 06:12 AM, Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 07:33:49AM -0400, Digimer wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've got Xen 3.0 (stock as available on CentOS 5.6). I'm trying to use
>> jumbo frames, but when Xen creates vifX.Y interfaces, it uses 1500. This
>> brings the xenbrX bridges down to 1500, and effectively messes up
>> anything thinking that it can use the larger packet size.
>> So how can I make sure that all vifX.Y interfaces created by Xen are
>> set to a given MTU? I've grepped the files under /etc/xen, but haven't
>> seen a specific place to set it.
>> Thanks!
> I think first I'd try to modify vif-bridge script and make sure
> MTU of the vif is adjusted before attaching to the bridge.
> Verify you get that working, and then let's figure out what's the best way..
> -- Pasi
This fails. I tried adding to 'vif-bridge':
case "$command" in
setup_bridge_port "$vif"
ifconfig $vif mtu 9000
add_to_bridge "$bridge" "$vif"
Alternatively, I tried adding to 'xen-network-common.sh':
add_to_bridge () {
local bridge=$1
local dev=$2
# Don't add $dev to $bridge if it's already on a bridge.
if [ -e "/sys/class/net/${bridge}/brif/${dev}" ]; then
ip link set ${dev} up || true
ifconfig ${dev} mtu 9000
brctl addif ${bridge} ${dev}
ip link set ${dev} up
Both cases caused the start of the domU to fail, complaining that the
scripts failed.
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