Re: [Xen-users] Wiki state
On 19/02/2011 02:20, Todd Deshane wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 4:16 PM, fox <fox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to understand how come the wiki seems to so deprived of
>> attention. I am trying to research XCP for example and a lot of the
>> links point to pages that don't exist etc.
>> Is the documentation team under-staffed?
> This is an ongoing effort. In short, yes. But, we have been making
> improvements as much as we can for quite some time. There is also an
> effort that is high priority to improve the Xen.org website in
> general. Project Three Eyes was proposed by our previous community
> manager and is being pursued fervently now that we have a new
> community manager in place.
> We would love your specific feedback and suggestions (and help as you
are able).
>> Is there some other resource that has become the de-facto place to go
>> when wanting documentation?
> XCP documentation in particular is very high on the priority list at
> the moment. We have been putting a lot of effort into it.
> As far as examples and documentation go for XCP you are in luck
> because just about all of the documentation that applies to XenServer
> 5.6 FP1 will apply directly to XCP.
> http://docs.vmd.citrix.com/XenServer/5.6.0fp1/1.0/en_gb/
> (Google searches for XenServer or XCP often give lots of good results
> that apply)
> That being said, there will be difference in XCP and XenServer going
> We are documenting the differences here and will try to keep it up to
> date (with the communities help):
> http://wiki.xen.org/xenwiki/XCP_Docs
> Our apologies for out of date documentation. We have been cleaning
> through the old/date information the best we can and creating new
> documents as necessary.
> We do have a XCP category, but we are still in the process of tagging
> everything.
> Watch for things to improve over the coming months, but also feel free
> to be in contact with me if you have any specific comments, questions,
> or concerns.
> We do the best we can and rely on the Xen community and the great
> community that is forming around XCP to help out and let us know what
> is most important.
>> Thank you for your time,
>> Remember -- I am only trying to understand
> Thanks for your feedback!
> Thanks,
> Todd
Do you have a documentation team?
I am interested in helping.
(Sorry for the duplicate message)
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