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[Xen-users] Sound or USB passthrough for Windows guest at Citrix XenServ

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] Sound or USB passthrough for Windows guest at Citrix XenServer 5.6 Free
From: Daniel Brockmann <meszi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 09:30:02 +0200
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 Hi there,

I've started using Xen through Citrix XenServer 5.6 Free. Now I am thinking about adding a USB sound device to my virtual Windows machine.
One idea would be to access a virtual audio device that streams audio to 
a client. I've stumbled over the possibility to SSH-forward PulseAudio 
but this is not possible for Windows on either one or the other side of 
the chain.
So I thought adding the virtualization host's onboard sound device via 
PCI passthrough. But this means that I'd need to install another sound 
device in case I move the virtual Windows to another host that would 
possibly either have a different PCI device ID or even some different 
sound device.
Easiest would therefore be to add a USB sound device. But AFAIK this is 
not yet supported with my used version of Xen. So it may either be 
passing through a USB controller of the host (which has the same 
drawbacks like passing through the sound) or using one of these 
USB-over-Ethernet solutions. One that I found is "FabulaTech USB Over 
Network" which has a linux service and could be accessed via a client 
software in the Windows guest.
But I am hesitating a bit to install the "USB Over Network" server onto 
the XenServer host. Does anyone know if it is reliable? Or can you name 
a (possibly better working) alternative?

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