Re: Re : Re: [Xen-users] Installing Ubuntu 10.04 on Xen and Centos 5.5
On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 8:46 PM, Bob Sauvage <Bob.sauvage@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Thanks all for your tips !
> But this solution doesn't work :/
> I reinstalled Ubuntu and I partitioned it differently :
> / => ext4
> /boot => ext3
> swap
That's only half the suggestion.
The other half, the easy way, is to install grub. Or, as Mark
suggested, just create a new configuration file (you don't REALLY need
grub installed, just /boot/grub/menu.lst). You MIGHT be able to reboot
the system using the original config file (with kernel and initrd for
installation), and see if it has some kind of option to rescue a
system. Either way (rescue, or mount + chroot), you need to run
"apt-get install grub" (which would install grub and remove grub-pc)
and (possibly) run "update-grub"
The hard way is of course having a version of pygrub that can
recognized grub2 config correctly.
Either way, you can check whether it works by running "pygrub
/path/to/your/domU-disk" (which you've already tried). If you've
configured it correctly you won't get an error.
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