1. Is it possible to setup openvswitch controller from xsconsole?
Controller (config) �xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - display <SNAC ip address>
Controller (in-use) �<None> - always display "None"
2. I tried to use folowing commands:
ovs-vsctl set-controller xenbr0 tcp:<SNAC ip address>
For a few minutes everything works good and I can manage switch from <SNAC ip address>, but than connection to host has broken�suddenly.
Connection to host's VM's may works longer, but usually lost also or a bit later.
Connection immediately restored after command:�ovs-vsctl del-controller xenbr0.
In SNAC contoller switch looks good, no denied packets.
I can't find any criminal in log files.
I'd be appreciate for any help and advice how to dig the problem.
Kind regards,
Larkov Alexey