[Xen-API] Re: [Xen-users] New XCP Management Tool
Hello Grant,
xenwebmanager has the same backend than openxencenter but is web
oriented, new features implemented on openxencenter will be
implemented on xenwebmanager too
2010/8/4 Grant McWilliams <grantmasterflash@xxxxxxxxx>:
> 2010/8/3 Stephen Spector <stephen.spector@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> XCP Users:
>> I received an email from Alberto Gonzalez Rodriguez who created
>> OpenXenCenter/OpenXenManager and is now working on OpenXenWebManager. Info
>> to access the tool is:
>> steps to test are:
>> download from http://bit.ly/bres2U
>> uncompress: tar xvfz xenwebmanager_rev24_full.tar.gz cd xenwebmanager
>> python frontend.py
>> and with a browser open http://localhost:8080 (or http://ip:8080) you need
>> chrome or firefox (i prefer the first)
>> Thanks.
>> Stephen Spector
>> Xen.org Community Manager
>> T: (772) 621-5062 | M: (954) 854-4257
>> stephen.spector@xxxxxxx
>> http://blog.xen.org | @xen_com_mgr
>> Network World Open Source Exposed Blog
> And how does this differ from OpenXenCenter because isn't that web driven
> too? It seems that everyone on this list has created a Xen Management tool
> (myself included). So my question would be why not finish OpenXenCenter
> instead of creating yet another project?
> Grant McWilliams
> Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use
> Windows."
> Now they have two problems.
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