Re: [Xen-users] crazy error message
michael copeland wrote:
its super cool how none of my messages ever get a response.. i mean
you'd think people would give a damn about someone building a xen
power hpc cuda cluster, but yeah, i guess not. here's to keeping my
software closed source.
OK. I've looked back through my deleted messages, and I see two
previous messages from you - neither of which actually ask a
particularly good question. One asks "Anyone else have this problem
?" - so are you saying it's wrong that you didn't get loads of
replies saying "I don't" ? The other just says that an **UNSTABLE**
version doesn't boot on unspecified hardware with an unspecified
config - but doesn't actually ask a question (even if it's implied).
It's well out of my area of expertise, but my view of unstable
versions is that you only run them if you have the skills to deal
with the problems - and that means being able to debug complex
software you didn't write. If you can't do that, then stable releases
are more appropriate.
Also, in those previous questions, I see nothing at all about what
you are trying to do with it, perhaps if you are trying to build a
cluster then it might "scratch an itch" for someone and incline them
more to trying to help.
It could just be that no-one actually has an answer - after all, Xen
4 is fairly new and those that are working with it are probably still
getting up to speed on what works/doesn't work.
This has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with software being open
or closed source, it has to do with the nature of a **FREE**
community help forum. The people on this list are providing what help
they can, in their spare time. They aren't being paid for it, they
are just sharing what they have picked up. The downside to that is
that you may have a problem no-one has a clue about - and isn't
motivated enough to put a lot of time and effort into digging for an
answer. Having someone pop-up on the list, posting a half question
with little information, and then bitching when they don't get the
sort of response they might have reason to expect of a **PAID**
service isn't likely to get you many friends. Just because you need
it for work doesn't mean others are obligated to put effort into
helping you for nothing - people may take the attitude that if it's
that critical then you may consider putting something back and
actually buy support from someone.
You aren't going to like this next bit, but it's the truth. You've
probably alienated the very people who might have been able to help
you when you do ask good questions. That's human nature whether you
like it or not.
Simon Hobson
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