Re: [Xen-users] Complete Xen n00b getting stuck trying to create a VM
Thanks for the tip.
Set up httpd and mounted iso as suggested.
Confirmed that I can browse to the contents of the iso using FireFox.
Started the install using virt install.
Then the installer in the VM tells me that it is "unable to retrieve". Note the "//" after the
ip address. I am definitely not putting a second slash in there when
I specify the URL.
As I said, I can browse to the URL just fine, and see stage2.img.
Any suggestions?
On 22 June 2010 03:01, Fajar A. Nugraha <fajar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 1:21 AM, Ewan Slater <ewan.slater@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> I then try to create my first vm with virt-install --prompt, and give
>> the path to the .iso for CentOS.
> That won't work. Basically virt-install and RHEL/Centos installer issue.
>> How can I get it to read the .iso that I specified on the command line?
> You can't. Not directly.
>> I have tried exporting the directory containing the .iso through NFS,
>> I've checked I can mount the directory via NFS and then tried to use
>> this but no dice ("That directory could not be mounted from the
>> server"). I then tried mounting the .iso as a directory on the host
>> file system, and exporting that directory via NFS, but got the same
>> result.
> That SHOULD work. Perhaps some IP range or path mixup?
> IMHO, the easiest way is to simply use http. Something like:
> - install httpd on your dom0
> - create /var/www/html/iso
> - mount your ISO there
> - use http://ip_of_your_dom_0/iso as installation source.
>> What I would ideally like to do is to tell the VM I'm creating that it
>> has a CD/DVD-ROM attached and to point it to the .iso file.
> Again, you can't. Opensolaris can do it just fine. RHEL/Centos
> currently can't do it when installing as PV guest, thus the http
> workaround needed.
> --
> Fajar
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