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Re: [Xen-users] iSCSI and LVM

On 14/06/10 20:03, Serge Fonville wrote:
LVM over NFS is not possible.
LVM needs to be applied to a blockdevice

Fortunately, you can sitll use LVM on the storage server.

NFS is often considered slower, due to that it adds an additional
layer to the communication.

This does not necessarily negatively impact the performance in such a
way that it should be considered a deal-breaker.
If you expect to constantly utilize over 70% of your bandwidth, you
may be better of using iSCSI.
Then again, if you are utilizing that much, you should probably
rethink your setup.

since I currently know very little about your expected load.
I can not give you a definitive answer.

But looking into using NFS for your VMs should at least be looked in
to thoroughy.

I suppose NFS requires image based access, which I understand is less

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Serge Fonville

That is an interesting read, which says that NFS and iSCSI are nearly the same for reads.
What is generally used in industry? At max capacity, my setup will hold 
up to 672 DomUs spread over 6 Xen hosts (And 3 RAID10 arrays on a single 
storage server), so clearly management is a big concern. This is where I 
feel that LVM/iSCSI based access is easier?
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