I want to use xenoprof to profile the overhead of the hypervisor.
Xen-4.0.0 + (pv_ops Jeremy's branch) Dom0 + (DOMU)
My platform is NHM-EP (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5570 @ 2.93GHz)
My problems are: - In DOM0, I can get event list using opcontrol -l, while, after initialization (opcontrol --init), When I start daemon this in DOM0, I got
the following error messages :
opcontrol --start-daemon --event=CPU_CLK_UNHALTED:1000000
--xen=/boot/xen-syms-4.0.0 --vmlinux=/boot/vmlinux-
--passive-domains=1 --passive-images=/boot/vmlinux-
/usr/local/bin/opcontrol: line 1399:
/dev/oprofile/passive_domains: Permission denied
[Comments: I can't create a file in /dev/oprofile/passive_domains manually]
Error: counter 0 not available
nmi_watchdog using this resource ? Try: [Comments: there
is not /dev/oprofile/0 in /dev/oprofile] opcontrol --deinit echo 0 >
/proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog [Comments: I do it
using this instructions, but it does not work; and I find that the
/proc/sys/kernel/nmi_whatchdog is 0 already] - In DOMU, opcontrol -l , it returens:
using timer interrupt My questions are: 1. Could xenoprof works in PV mode or is there any patches to enable it
2. Why my domu could not report the correct event list.
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