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Re: [Xen-users] Network traffic stalling between domUs on different serv

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Network traffic stalling between domUs on different servers
From: Adam Wilbraham <adam.wilbraham@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 16:25:21 +0100
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Sorted this - stupid misconfiguration on my part. I had still got my physical interfaces in the dom0 defined as "static" rather than "manual". Switched this to how it should be and all is now fine.

On 26/04/10 12:23, Adam Wilbraham wrote:
Up until now I've been using a single DL380 running Xen 3.3.1 on top of
Debian Lenny (using the Debian Etch Xen kernel) to host a number of
domUs, however I have had to install a second dom0 (this time a DL360,
again Lenny + Etch kernel, this time Xen 3.4.2) to take over some of the
domUs due to load issues.

Network connectivity between domUs on the same host has always been
absolutely fine, however I am having a problem with network traffic
between domUs on the new dom0 when connecting to domUs on the original
dom0. Basically, connections can be established but as soon as data
starts to flow then the connection stalls and eventually drops.

The network on each dom0 is configured as a series of VLAN bridges, eg:

auto eth1.38
iface eth1.38 inet manual

auto vlan38
iface vlan38 inet manual
pre-up ip link set eth1.38 down
pre-up brctl addbr vlan38
pre-up brctl addif vlan38 eth1.38
pre-up ip link set eth1.38 up
pre-up ip link set vlan38 up
post-down ip link set vlan38 down
post-down brctl delbr vlan38

My head keeps telling me that this issue is related to TCP checksum
offloading, but I've already turned that off and set the MTU to 1496 in
case the network card doesn't cope with the VLAN header properly:

pre-up ethtool -K eth1 tx off
pre-up ifconfig eth1 mtu 1496

The NICs in both servers are Broadcom ones, bnx2 driver.

I managed to get an NFS export mounted and vaguely stable between domUs
when forcing the it to use UDP and an rsize and wsize of 1024, however
thats hardly workable and only for NFS. If I try and SCP a file between
boxes then only a few k gets transferred before it stalls, similar from
other services.

Does anyone have any experience of similar issues?

Adam Wilbraham - Senior Systems Administrator
TechnoPhobia Limited
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