I have a need to assign more then one Ip address to a windows VM.
In Linux this is easily done for all I do is make a virtual interface. Since I can not do this within windows, I'm thinking I need to create more then one vif from within the Xen .cfg file for the domU.
I have done this as follows.
vif = ['vifname=Testing1, bridge=eth0:Testing', 'vifname=Testing2, bridge=eth0:Testing', 'vifname=Testing3, bridge=eth0:Testing',]
My question here is does the traffic then get routed out eth0:Testing? I only ask for when I do a ifconfig on the Dom0 I see two interfaces being created per vifname. Case in point.. I boot the vm and then do a ifconfig on the dom0 and I see tap-Testing1 and Testing1 as interfaces.
brctl shows both interfaces (tab-Testing1 and Testing1) being attached to eth0 bridge.
Why is xen creating two interfaces per 1 virtual interface?