Re: [Xen-users] XCP - failover question
If the pool master fails you must either restore it or designate one of
the slaves as the pool master. When the pool is in emergency mode, you
can't make any changes to it, otherwise when the missing pool master
came back, things would be out of sync.
Look at pool-emergency-transition-to-master.
On 4/8/2010 9:44 AM, Peter den Hartog wrote:
oke so, i have 8 nodes, and node-1 is my "master node" let's say.. node
1 ever fails.. (just tested that) so tried to boot a vm that was
running on node-1 on another machine..
but to my suprise i wasn't able to boot any vm or even do a xe vm-list
i think that's because of the failure of node-1, the master node.. But
what to do in such scenario? I mean, non of my vm's died or anything so
that's great.. but i would like to be able to boot the vm that was
running on node-1 on another node!
Any idea's?
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