[Xen-users] Re: How to Login to Fedora 11 domU under Debian 5 dom0?
Sorry for the incomplete command; I do use the # xm console fedora11; but my problem is that I can't find the newly created VM; as I'm in the current directory (/home/xen-testimages) where I have 3 files:
fedora.11.x86.xen3.cfg fedora.11.x86.img fedora.11.x86.xen3.pygrub.cfg
I run the command (#xm create /home/xen-testimages/fedora.11.x86.xen3.cfg). My problem is, I don't know where the domain fedora11 is being created? I know when I create similar Debian-image(domU); the location goes to /home/xen/domains; but in this Fedora(domU) case where I downloaded the image not created it myself from Xen-create command. I even created a directory manually on the same location as of Debian domUs but still I'm
getting the Error: Domain
'/home/xen-testimages/fedora.11.x86.xen3' does not exist."
Thanks for help!
-Jan Muhammad
--- On Fri, 19/3/10, Costas Drogos <costas.drogos@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Costas Drogos <costas.drogos@xxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Re: How to create a Fedora 11 domU under Debian 5 dom0? To: "Jan Muhammad" <janmuhd@xxxxxxxxx> Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, kesha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: Friday, 19 March, 2010, 16:57
On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 13:47, Jan Muhammad <janmuhd@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi All,
I have downloaded a Fedora 11 Xen image from (http://stacklet.com/downloads/images/lister/Fedora); after un-tar in a directory and changing kernel boot and disk location to look for kernel and image; I created an image with file and I can see the output of the command:
#xm create /home/xen-testimages/fedora.11.x86.xen3.cfg
"Using config file "/home/xen-testimages/fedora.11.x86.xen3.cfg".
Started domain fedora.11.x86.img"
But when I try to login into the newly created VM with # xm console /home/xen-testimages/fedora.11.x86.xen3.cfg
The error message says:
Error: Domain
'/home/xen-testimages/fedora.11.x86.xen3.cfg' does not exist."
Even copying those Xen cf and image files to the location where my other VMs reside doesn't solve my problem and I get the same error as above.
Any ideas how I can login into the newly created VM? Or what step I'm missing?
PS: My other xen VMs (based on Debian) are located at some other directory and I can easily login to those.
Hello there,
For xm console, you use the hostname, not the config name. e.g xm console node1 , not xm console node1.cfg
Costas Drogos
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