Re: [Xen-users] Xen and VMware Workstation
On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 02:42:54AM +0800, Rommel M. Martinez wrote:
> >>
> >>> 2- Are there things that I need to tweak to make things work?
> >>
> >> You shouldn't need anything special.. you could try pci=nomsi for the dom0
> >> kernel,
> >> maybe that helps.
> >>
> >>> 3- I currently have limited access to extra physical machines that's
> >>> why I'm using a solution like VMware Workstation
> >>> 4- The VM boots well using the vanilla kernel and other kernels (e.g.,
> >>> OpenVZ).
> >>> 5- Does this have anything to do with Xen's compatibility with VMware
> >>> Workstation?
> >>>
> >>
> >> Difficult to say which one is to blame.
> >> Would be good to see the actual console output to see what's wrong!
> >
> > The boot sequence:
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1u33eHlzIPY
> >
> >>
> >> -- Pasi
> >>
> As an experiment, I made a new VM using Debian 64-bit and had Xen
> installed with it. The system was able to boot completely but the
> performance of this VM is horribly slow. Any hints?
> The video of the boot sequence can be at:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvo6frJKuP0
Sorry I'm not able to watch the youtube videos right now
(I'm travelling and I only have very slow mobile connection here).
-- Pasi
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