Re: [Xen-users] Xen4 Roadmap/Wishlist items & Xen4 release candidate
On Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 02:36:39AM +0100, Florian Heigl wrote:
> Hi all,
> can one of you tell me if some of the roadmap/wishlist items have made
> it into Xen4?
> The wiki page seems to deeply need some update to reflect the 4.x status.
> What I'm mostly concerned with are the Infiniband RDMA failover bits.
> The network connection I'm using is 10(boo) and 20Gbit(yay)/s
> Infiniband, which already comes with a twentyfold bandwith
> bump over gigE, but obviously the highest of failover speed gains will
> come from using RDMA - the final copy-over-memory
> step will either be non-existant, or at least too short to even measure.
> It was one of the most-wanted items on the list, so I hope someone has
> information on whether it will be in Xen4.
> Why I'm so keen about it:
> At work we use a few 32gb hosts with XE and to be honest I wouldn't be
> able to live with such long durations for failovers in my new setup,
> I'm facing failovers of up to 100 vm's per physical node, or maybe
> even over 1k per blade chassis. And I think they should be done before
> my working day ends :))))
I'm not sure about IB stuff..
You could browse through the xen-unstable changelog:
Or ask from xen-devel.
-- Pasi
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