Re: [Xen-users] Boot Panic on xen 3.4.1 with kernel compiled
Thanks Pasi for your quick answer !!
I'll try !!
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 03:08:53PM +0100, Rémi BERNIER
> Thanks Pasi for your answer,
> I have test my compilation with two format (gzip and
bzip2) but it's the
> same error.
> Can you say me how to compiling xen 3.4.2.tar.gz with
the kernel
> Thanks in advance !
get xen-3.4.2.tar.gz and extract it
cd xen-3.4.2
make xen
make tools
make stubdom
and the compiled binaries should be in dist/install/
pv_ops dom0 kernel:
Get Jeremy's pvops dom0 git tree based on instruction here:
And compile it in the normal way:
cd linux-2.6-xen
wget -O .config http://pasik.reaktio.net/xen/pv_ops-dom0-debug/config-
(or: wget -O .config http://pasik.reaktio.net/xen/pv_ops-dom0-debug/config-
make oldconfig
make menuconfig
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install
cp -a arch/x86/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-version
cp -a System.map /boot/System.map-version
cp -a .config /boot/config-version
And then create initrd image based on the normal methods in your dom0
Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf and you're ready to go.
-- Pasi
> On Mon, Nov 09, 2009 at 02:24:57PM +0100, Rémi BERNIER
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > I would like tested xen 3.4.1 on a
debian lenny with a compiled
> kernel
> > ( kernel.org with copy .config
of my
> config-2.6.26-2-xen-686),
> > all is ok on the compilation but when
i boot with new configuration
> on
> > grub,
> > I have a problem:
> >
> > - elf_init: not an ELF binary, Panic
on CPU 0
> >
> Looks like your kernel image is not in proper format.
> Is it Xen hypervisor giving that error?
> Did you build "make bzImage" dom0 kernel?
> What does "file vmlinuz-version" say about
your kernel?
> -- Pasi
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