Re: [Xen-users] GPLPV under NetBSD dom0
On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 6:35 PM, James Harper
<james.harper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> XenPCI --> XenPci_XenConfigDeviceSpecifyBuffers
>> XenPCI testing path = device/vbd/768/device-type
>> XenPCI testing disk vs disk
>> XenPCI condition = 0
>> XenPCI --> XenPci_ChangeFrontendState
>> XenPCI --> XenPci_DeviceWatchHandler
>> XenPCI <-- XenPci_DeviceWatchHandler
>> XenPCI --> XenPci_UpdateBackendState
>> XenPCI state unchanged
>> XenPCI Still waiting for 2 (currently 4)...
> Looks like my state transition code isn't quite compatible with NetBSD's
> backend code.
> Just as a test, and you'll have to be fast, as soon as you see 'Still
> waiting for 2 (currently 4)', manually set the backend state to 2, and
> then back to 4, eg:
> xenstore-write /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/<domid>/768 2
> xenstore-write /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/<domid>/768 4
> GPLPV expects to see the backend state go to 2 and then to 4, not direct
> to 4. I need to investigate that a bit more as it has caused problems
> before with other backends (tap:aio etc) before.
> If that works let me know and I'll see what I can do.
I tried this a few times and ended up pulling my hair. After some
poking around, I realized I needed to add "/state" to the path. Once
I did that, surprise surprise... it worked!
On an unrelated note... WinDbg is getting spammed with:
XenNet Error: rxrsp offset 16, size -1
XenNet Error: rxrsp offset 16, size -1
XenNet Error: rxrsp offset 16, size -1
XenNet Error: rxrsp offset 16, size -1
And my dom0 dmesg is getting spammed with:
xvif18.1: req_prod 713 req_cons 466 rsp_prod 465 rsp_prod_pvt 465 i 1
xvif18.1 GNTTABOP_transfer[0] -1
xvif18.1: req_prod 713 req_cons 467 rsp_prod 466 rsp_prod_pvt 466 i 1
xvif18.1 GNTTABOP_transfer[0] -1
xvif18.1: req_prod 713 req_cons 468 rsp_prod 467 rsp_prod_pvt 467 i 1
xvif18.1 GNTTABOP_transfer[0] -1
xvif18.1: req_prod 713 req_cons 469 rsp_prod 468 rsp_prod_pvt 468 i 1
So I assume there's a problem with the network driver. However at
least it's booting at not BSOD'ing, so it's a step in the right
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