Re: [Xen-users] streaming server on a virtual machine.
2009/9/26 Antti Kanes <antti@xxxxxxxx>:
> We're running a virtualized streaming server without any problems.
> Our server provides flash, windows media, real, quicktime and shoutcast
> platforms without any hickups so far.
> Naturally the feasibility of virtualizing a streaming server depends on how
> heavy load it is put under; in our case this server has a sustained user
> load of 30Mbps based on traffic and it doesn't generate really any load at
> all on the server hardware yet. Also no haven't seen any performance issues
> with network or disk IO.
> There are some half a dozen other domU's running on the same system.
The traffic of all domU go over the same network card?
Or you have assigned different NIC to some domU?
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