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re: [Xen-users] Create dummy VMs

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: re: [Xen-users] Create dummy VMs
From: Ian Murray <murrayie@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 18:37:50 +0000 (GMT)
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>From: Ananth 
>To: Xen User-List 
>Sent: Monday, 17 August, 2009 18:13:27
>Subject: [Xen-users] Create dummy VMs
>I just wanted to know if it is possible to create dummy VMs using Xen, without 
having to install any OS on the VM. I think this is possible on VMware, where 
can just create a VM without having to install anything on it. 
>>I tried creating a Paravirtualized VM with a config file and an empty image 
file using dd utility. But when I issue the command
>xm create -c dummyVM,
>I get a kernel panic, since there is no filesystem available on the image. 
>>Hence the VM does not showup on the xm list command. 
>Can anybody throw some insights into this.
>Thank you
xm new


xm create -p (create paused)

Never used either, so don't know if they'll work in the scenario you are 
at, but worth investigation. 

I am sure there is a great reason why you want to create domains like this, but 
sure as hell can't think what it could be.

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