Thank you for your assistance gentlemen, by using network-dummy I've been able to get networking working in Dom0, however, since I have no bridge, not in the DomUs. The OS is Debian Lenny, so if anyone knows how to set up such a bridge manually, I'd definitely appreciate the help! Thanks,
This is what I've just done, this is lightly tested so far, a bonded pair and bridging on top of it, just bring up the br0 interface (ifup br0) and it will build the bond automatically itself:
Bonding in a Debian Lenny based Xen Dom0
Add 'bonding' to /etc/modules, actually the ifenslave script loads this module if not already present, but this is untested.
Prepare an interfaces script similar to this:
# The loopback network interface
auto lo br0
iface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface - this for dom0 access, would probably be a static address in production.
allow-hotplug eth2
iface eth2 inet dhcp
iface bond0 inet manual
slaves eth1 eth3
bond_mode active-backup (or 802.3ad for LACP)
bond_primary eth1
bond_miimon 100
bond_updelay 400
bond_downdelay 200
# see /usr/share/doc/ifenslave-2.6/README.Debian and more usefully
# /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ifenslave
iface br0 inet manual
# use the following if a dom0 IP is required for this lan
#iface br0 inet static
# address
# netmask
# broadcast
# you may want gateway etc here also
# if not using an IP then you can choose to add bridge_maxwait 0 but this is untested
# continue with the following
bridge_ports bond0
pre-up /sbin/ifup bond0
post-down /sbin/ifdown bond0
# see man bridge-utils-interfaces
for this to work you should first of installed bridge-utils and
ifenslave(-2.6). I see no reason why this cannot be expanded to
cover as may interfaces/bonds as is required, it might be necessary to
include options bonding max_bonds=2 etc if using more than one network bond.
The debian lenny setup already has network-dummy in place and is the
default. Amend the bridge name in the vmx file if required but I
believe (for a non-HVM domain) it will automatically use br0 rather
than the old xenbr0 name. There really isn't anything else which requires modifing.
cheers dave