Re: [Xen-users] Xen, NIC bonding, ARP problem
El sáb, 27-06-2009 a las 08:27 +0700, Fajar A. Nugraha escribió:
> If I'm not mistaken you'd probably have some problems using standard
> xen network-bridge script with bond interface. So probably you'd run
> into problems when trying the setup described in that post
> Anyway,
> What I did is I have bonding and bridges with vlan setup using
> Redhat's /etc/sysconfig/network/script/ifcfg-*, while in
> xend-config.sxp I comment out network-script.
> - eth2 and eth3 (both connected to switch as trunk) bonded into bond0.
> - setup vlan on bond0, one of them in bond0.91
> - create a bridge (br91) on top of bond0.91
> - tell domUs to use br91 for bridge.
> This setup works great.
I have this same configuration, but using debian. I configure two bonds
and then a bridge for each vlan I used (some bridges on a bond and
another on the other). I don't use xen's network-bridge.
Angel L. Mateo Martínez
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