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Re: [Xen-users] GPL PV drivers and CDROM

To: James Harper <james.harper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] GPL PV drivers and CDROM
From: Matthieu Patou <mat+Informatique.xen@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 11:49:58 +0400
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On 06/25/2009 11:40 AM, James Harper wrote:
I tried a new domU with gpl pv on xen 3.2.1 and the cdrom is
not showing up anymore.
I see a xen block device driver corresponding to the vbd but no cdrom.

Are the 0.10.x drivers compatible with some "old" xen ?

It should work, but not if there is no CDROM in the drive at the time
(I'm assuming you are using the same config as posted in your previous
email where you have a physical CDROM drive mapped through).

I have a CDROM in my cd-drive, I tried also with an iso file (gparted iso) and got the same problem. Booting with /nogplpv show me the cdrom, and during the "xen bios" I saw signs that indicate the presence of the CDROM.
The PV block device back end (in Dom0) has no facility for swapping
images on the fly, so there is nothing I can do about it in GPLPV.
Yes I know the problem and managed to cope with it with "older" version of gplpv.
Xen 3.4.x and later, GPLPV has the ability to not provide a PV driver
for the CDROM (it's hardly a performance critical device) and so windows
will use the QEMU IDE driver which does support hot changing etc. This
relies on some additional features not present before 3.4.x.

Read about it but I do not have official packages for this version on debian.

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