On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 10:10 PM, Admin GG <admin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
anyone here is using HyperVM?
As you probabily know, the owner of LxLabs has killed hitself (i want to make my condolences to his family):
HyperVM has some big vulnerabilities and we don't know if they will be fixed. We don't know if the licensing server will be kept up, so it's possible that when it expires all our server go down.
Now the only solution is stop hypervm service everywhere.
Anyone having my same trouble? Any idea on what we can do? Other control panels?
Doex XenServer integrate a web control panel?
Thankyou in advance guys.
We've lost an important programmer, but our businnes must go on. Sorry for my post.
Hi Giorgio,
This is indeed a sad, but big problem for many.
I have been looking for alternatives, and so far Citrix Xenserver, Enomalism & Promoxo looks like they could do what I need.
I only host XEN containers, but runs multiple operating systems on the Virtual PC's, so I need HVM support.
HyperVM is the only one I could find so far that does so much through a web interface, and also integrates with WHMCS for automated deployment, upgrades, suspension & un-suspension, reboots, reinstalls by the client, etc.
-- Kind Regards Rudi Ahlers CEO, SoftDux Hosting Web: http://www.SoftDux.com Office: 087 805 9573 Cell: 082 554 7532
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