Re: [Xen-users] Setup doc for Solaris dom0?
I think its integrated pretty well into Solaris nevada(not opensolaris),
Try that
On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 1:05 AM, Michael Jinks <mjinks@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This feels like a dumb question, but... is there a HOWTO for getting
dom0 set up for xVM on Solaris? I went to the obvious place,
...but it doesn't cover kernel installation for dom0. Google isn't
helping either, so far.
I installed the xvm packages (using 'pkg install'), and rebooted, but
xvm services won't start and I assume it's because the proper kernel
didn't get installed. (Logs? What logs? Remember when
/var/adm/messages told you stuff? Ah, the days.)
All of this is on an OpenSolaris machine where I did have a working
dom0, but 'pkg update' hosed it. Sad. So I'm trying to retrace steps
that I apparently failed to document the first time around. Sadder.
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