Re: [Xen-users] Config to set CPU affinity and distribute interrupts
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 3:01 PM, ITZIAR BALENCIAGA <ibalenciaga@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi!
> first of all sorry if I'm opening a new thread but I don't know how to reply
> to my own post because in my mailbox I don't get the messages individually
> but in groups.
Then change it. Choose individual email instead of digest. It's
somewhat selfish to expect others to help you when you don't even want
to make such small effort.
> I've changed my config to
> sdl=0
> vnc=1
> but when I create my domU with sudo xm create winxp.hvm it says that the
> domain winxp was started but no console appears.
It's not supposed to appear. Look at my previous answer, and you
should see that I told you to
"- determine where domU's vnc port is using "virsh vncdisplay winxp"
- connect to it, using something like "vncviewer localhost:n", where
"n" is the number from virsh output."
Note that you can also run "virt-manager" (the GUI is
self-explanatory), or run "virt-viewer domU_name" to connect to domU's
vnc console.
then again, the fact that even "virsh list" doesn't work for you makes
it somewhat complicated.
> Another thing is that I
> tried using the command virsh list and it founds nothing but if I try xm
> list it sees the domains. Do I have to create my domain with virsh to see
> it? Why don't I see even my dom0?
If "virsh list" shows nothing but "xm list" shows domUs, then
something is definitely wrong with your setup.
At this point my suggestion is to use a known working configuration.
Something like reinstalling your system from scratch, and use Centos
5.3 with bundled Xen.
Another alternative is to dump virsh/libvirtd altogether. In that
case, you could PROBABLY determine the vnc port to connect using
something like
netstat -anp | grep qemu-dm | grep LISTEN
if it shows something like this
tcp 0 0*
LISTEN 14977/qemu-dm
then you can see the console using this command
vncviewer localhost:1
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