Re: [Xen-users] Free Public Cloud-Computing with XEN
On web page "Register to the openQRM Cloud", I see:
Public registration disabled!
Thanks! Thiago
2009/4/8 Thomas Halinka <lists@xxxxxxxxx>
Hi XEN-Users!
The openQRM-Team is proud to announce a public openQRM Demo Cloud
Computing environment and invites everybody to take a free test-drive
at :
(Please accept the self-signed certificate when accessing this page for
the first time)
Via this public Cloud-Portal you can immediately start requesting your
IT infra-structure on demand.
It features several different server-templates e.g. Ubuntu, Debian,
Fedora and CentOS which are fully automatically deployed and leveraged
to your needs via the Puppet configuration management system. A
SSH-Login is integrated into the portal so that accessing the deployed
Cloud-systems does not require any additional tools installed.
With just a web browser and internet connection you get the full control
of your Cloud systems which can be paused and (re-) activated at any
time. The Demo also provides an overview about the integrated
Cloud-Billing mechanism, based on a generic, virtual Cloud currency
(Cloud Computing Units), which only charges for active Cloud
More informations about this Cloud Computing demonstration we put into a
howto at :
Always wanted to try out Cloud Computing ? This is a good time for it
now !
We are very happy about this new opportunity to present the power of
openQRM to you.
Many thanks to the team and especially to CustomSol
(http://www.customsol.de/) who is sponsoring this openQRM Cloud
Computing Demo.
Best Regards,
Thomas Halinka
- The open-source Cloud Computing platform
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