RE: [Xen-users] Xen 3.3.1 Windows HVM Disk I/O -> domU and dom0 hangs
> Hi,
> we are currently working on getting windows working on your xen
> but we are facing a severe problem where dom0 and all domus hang for
> 1-5 seconds from time to time.
> we think it is probably because of disk i/o, because top sometimes
> says 100% wa (waiting on io) during the hang.
> dom0 has cpu 0 for exclusive use and the windows vms use cpu 1 to 7.
> should we give dom0 more than once cpu?
> would this prevent the hang?
> or is this a configuration error?
> are there some scheduler settings we could experience with (linux
> kernel i/o scheduler?)
> we use LVM for HVM domUs on a 6 disk raid 10 array.
What hardware and what RAID controller?
I had awful problems with a low end (E200 I think) HP RAID adapter.
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