Re: [Xen-users] How to implement HA and Live Migration with a SAN?
Clustered LVM sounds good, I'll try it. Thank you.
Quoting Barry van Someren <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
There are several ways of doing this.. I'm just going to detail mine..
-Setup clustered LVM (CLVMD) on top of the iSCSI LUN
-Place the DomU images on the LUN
-Write scripts for migration (I mount local files to the DomU for the
swap and /tmp as these can be discarded on reboot.. this does negate
live migration though!)
-Have some form of heartbeat which can restart the DomU's on a
different clusternode.
CentOS/Redhat also includes Ricci and Luci which allows you to set all
this up, but I'm going to need some more control over this so the
heartbeat will be done by internal development.
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