Re: [Xen-users] Load Balancing VM's
What about ConVirt? Looks like it has some potential.
On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Thiago Camargo Martins Cordeiro <thiagocmartinsc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I never used one of this interfaces on a production environment, only Xen and command xm. =)
Now I'm learning some stuff to choose an interface for my DataCenter and to be honestly, I don't know what is the best choice... There are to much solutions do study... But OpenQRM is on top of my list...
My list:
1- OpenQRM: http://www.openqrm.com 2- Enomalism: http://www.enomalism.com 3- EUCALYPTUS: http://eucalyptus.cs.ucsb.edu/wiki
4- Rocks Clusters: http://www.rocksclusters.org/ 4- DTC-Xen: http://www.gplhost.com/software-dtc-xen.html
5- Nimbus: http://workspace.globus.org/vm 6- OpenNebula: http://www.opennebula.org/doku.php?id=start
7- Usher: http://usher.ucsd.edu/trac 8- MLN: http://mln.sourceforge.net/index.php 9- Linode: www.linode.com
I think a few months, I will choose one of these solutions or do one from scratch...
Regards, Thiago
2009/2/2 Brian Krusic <brian@xxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Thiago,
Let me know what you think of OpenQRM.
I got it up and running but had some issues, the docs don't seem so good.
Enomaly seemed promising but there docs seemed even worse.
Anyways, keep us in the loop, I'm curious what you think.
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