Re: FW: [Xen-users] Standard VM live migration OK but Windows GPLPV VM l
El Miércoles 21 Enero 2009, Fajar A. Nugraha escribió:
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 9:24 PM, Robert Dunkley <Robert@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > it gave a good increase in performance but unfortunately a
> > suitable KMod does not seem to be available for Centos 5.2 yet.
> Really? RHEL5 has kmod-xenpv-0.1-9.el5.x86_64.rpm. You can either
> rebuild that from SRPM, or wait several weeks for CentOS 5.3. See
> https://www.redhat.com/archives/rhelv5-announce/2009-January/msg00000.html
I'm also using CentOS 5.2 + Gitco's xen 3.3.0 as dom0 and my CentOS 5.2 domU's
have installed the kernel-xen package and boot from it via pygrub.
They live migrate fine, just like HVM's but I'm facing the same problem than
you with Windows 2003 Server and GPLPV drivers 0.9.11.
Any hints on this would be very appreciated!
Ricardo J. Barberis
Senior SysAdmin - I+D
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