[Xen-users] [XEN 3.3 - PCI passthrough] - interaction latencies with /de
Hi everybody! I'm a pretty new XEN user (3.3) and I need your help on a weird situation. In fact I cannot conclude if it could be a XEN problem or not. So I hope you will be able to guide me. You will find below what my project is and as you guess ...the problem!
OBJECTIVE : =========== - validate XEN solution for potential projects - setup a paravirtualized environment - embedd on a domU, software interacting with a USB connected desktop RFID reader
ENVIRONMENT : ============= - XEN 3.3 - paravirtualized environment - dom0 : linux 2.6.24-19-xen (ubuntu) installed with no graphical interface - domU : linux 2.6.24-19-xen (ubuntu) installed with gnome and vncserver
- PCI passthrough to dedicate all USB controllers to the single domU - domU is installed in a file-backed VBDs
BASIC RESULT: ============= - dom0 and domU boots well - PCI passthrough works
- system is stable - on domU, lsusb shows the device connected
USB DEVICE : ============ - RFID desktop reader (STID) - serial communication ("/dev/ttyUSB0) 9600 8 n 2 - very short instructions sent and received asynchronously (5 bytes) ; minimum system stress...
EMBEDDED SOFTWARE : =================== - very basic test software that polls the device for an event - if event detected, send a sound instruction to the device - communication with the device is done via the serial dev file "/dev/ttyUSB0"
- tested on non virtualized environment : no latency on execution and test succeeds
PROBLEM : ========= - running the soft from the console (xm console) without GUI introduces hudge execution latencies
- if we connect our appliance from a remote PC via vncviewer, gnome is displayed and run the same soft from an Xterm makes the execution much more faster and coud almost be compared to non-virtualized environment perfs.
- Note that I've tried to connect via SSH without and then with X exporting, and latencies are still noticed - it seems that latencies are only seen when interacting with the device - Finally, we do not want to embedd any window manager such as gnome/KDE for footprints concerns
- soft have been written in C and JAVA but results are the same
HELPPPPP: ========= As you see, it is a very strange problem and I can't find out who's responsible for that : - is it a XEN problem?
- is it a console problem? - is it a PCI passthrough problem? - does gnome/vnc introduces implicits optimizations?
Furthermore, in order to find some clues: - can you confirm me that XEN 3.3 does not support USB2.0 (not really needed here ...)
- I often have a system crash connecting USB mass storage devices (even dom0 get frozen) ; is it a known bug? I haven't found anything on forums. - based on what I've read (and test) I cannot use newer XEN kernels if I want to keep PCI passthrough working
- are there some "best practices" to optimize USB passthrough
I've process a lot of diff, compare, readings and I have to tell you I've no more idea to solve this silly problem. Any help is thus welcomed!!
Thanks a lot for your help!
Cordially, Jérémie
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