On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 3:36 PM, Grant McWilliams
grantmasterflash@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've been mucking with xen for quite a while but recently started focusing
> on custom network setups. I'd like to be able to create VMs on the fly from
> a base image and set network settings in each without booting the image up.
> This strange setup is for a classroom environment. At the beginning of the
> quarter the instructor would run a script that creates all the student's
> DomUs and assigns a route to them on the Dom0 from the WAN . The goal is to
> have a remote port (say 10001) be redirected to the students virtual
> machine's port 22. Each student would access their VM using a different
> remote port. All of the students VMs will be copies (or using qcow2 backing
> file) of a base image so will be identical to save space and setup time.
> It seems like I had it easy by setting vif = [ 'ip=x.x.x.x' ] but this
> doesn't seem to do anything. According to Running Xen you need to statically
> set the ip inside the DomU as well as setting it in the domU config file.
> Doesn't setting it in both places defeat the purpose of having it in the
> DomU config file to start with?
An update on the website about this: