RE: [Xen-users] PV 0.9.12pre3 gives BSOD when installing in VM inXenserv
> Hello,
> I have Xenserver 5.0.
> When i install a new VM with Windows Server 2003 X64 Standard (R2) and
> install all windows-updates, it gives me a BSOD when i install the PV
> 0.9.12pre3 drivers.
> Steps to reproduce:
> - Install Xenserver 5 (light/free or Enterprise/trial)
> - Install a Windows Server 2003 x64 R2 VM from a ISO or CD
> - Install all windows updates
> - Download the GPLPV 0.9.12pre3 .exe file to the desktop and
> it.
> - First it will give 3 popups about certificate/signing warnings
> - Then it gives 1 or 2 driver-install popups for the Xen PCI Device
> Driver, when i click ok... it gives a BSOD !
> I attached 2 screenshots:
> - One of the BSOD http://www.nabble.com/file/p20607865/bsod.jpg
> - One of the Device Management screen -before- doing the GPLPV driver
> install
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p20607865/screenshot_BEFORE_install.jpg
> i installed the GPLPV drivers before, on a system which had the
> 4.0/4.1 installed, i unstalled those.. and then a install of GPLPV has
> problems...
> BUT a install from scratch.. on a real clean system gives errors.
I can't really explain that... the error you gave is a
STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION exception which could be anything. The fact
that it works on a system which has had the XenTools uninstalled but not
on a clean system worries me too...
If you can make the dump file available to me I can have a look. If you
can run the debugger against it then even better.
I'm not sure that supporting XenServer is the right thing to do
though... being closed source (even though it mostly tracks the open
source version) they can change things from version to version and I'd
have to reverse engineer the changes to find out what is going on. I
think maybe your efforts would be better spent making noise to get them
to fix the problems with their drivers.
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