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Re: [Xen-users] Does USB passthru require VT-d or IOMMU?

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Does USB passthru require VT-d or IOMMU?
From: Henning Holtschneider <henning@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 20:46:42 +0100
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To answer my own question and for the records:

Am 29.10.2008 um 15:13 schrieb Henning Holtschneider:

I'm running Xen 3.3.0 on Ubuntu 8.10 server. I'm trying to pass a USB
device to a Windows 2003 DomU, but the qemu logfile just tells me
"Warning: could not add USB device host:0123:4567". Before I start to
debug the problem more thoroughly, I wonder: do I need a mainboard
chipset that supports Intel's VT-d technology or AMD's IOMMU to pass
individual USB devices from the Dom0 to a DomU?
I solved my problem and I can now forward single USB devices by adding

usbdevice = 'host:0123:4567'
usbdevice = 'host:89ab:cdef'

to the DomU configuration file. Initially, I tried

usbdevice = [ 'host:0123:4567', 'host:89ab:cdef' ]

which seemed logical to me. But that syntax causes the error message I saw and no USB device will be forwarded. VT-d is not required for USB passthru.
Henning Holtschneider
LocaNet oHG - http://www.loca.net
Lindemannstrasse 81, D-44137 Dortmund
tel +49 231 91596-25, fax +49 231 91596-55
sip 25@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Registergericht Amtsgericht Dortmund HRA 14208
Geschäftsführer Sven Haufe, Henning Holtschneider

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