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Re: [Xen-users] Performance of WinXP after xen tools installed isterribl

To: James Harper <james.harper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Performance of WinXP after xen tools installed isterrible
From: Itamar - IspBrasil <itamar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 01 Nov 2008 09:56:32 -0200
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Joshua Pincus <joshua.pincus@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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try with only one VCPU

On 11/1/2008 7:46 AM, James Harper wrote:

The performance of Windows XP is dreadful.  Absolutely dreadful.
There are only two VMs on the machine, dom0 and domU.  The system
supports the Windows XP HVM domain through the good offices of
the underlying dual-core AMD cpu with AMD-V technology.

The system spends a huge amount of time running rundll32.exe.
If I kill the executable, it speeds up a bit.  The performance
problem has been there since the beginning, and I've scanned
for viruses.  There are none to be found.

I've allocated 2GIG for the domain and 2 VCPUs.  Performance
is so bad as to make the domain almost unusable for many
tasks.  Deleting files, for some reason, takes forever.

Are there obvious things for which I can check or set?
I'm using the latest Citrix distro and I've installed the
xen-tools.iso tools.  The drivers running in the domain are

Have you tried a complete reinstall of the DomU from scratch with no
extra drivers or anything?

Is it XP sp2? Prior to sp2 I have seen some pretty poor performance of

What does 'xm dmesg' say?

What are your underlying disks in dom0?

It would probably be useful to post your DomU config file to the list.


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