[Xen-users] no sound emulation support in qemu-dm in xen-3.3
I've installed xen3.3 on gentoo linux and created HVM domain with
But the HVM domain fails to start with error:
# cat /var/log/xen/qemu-dm-winXP.log
domid: 3
qemu: the number of cpus is 1
Unknown sound card name `sb16'
Valid sound card names (comma separated):
-soundhw all will enable all of the above
If i change to soundhw='es1370' it also fails to start with apropriate
message. Only then i set to soundhw='all' HVM starts ok, but it, of course
, does not detect any sound devices.
It looks like qemu-dm does not have emulation support for any sound devices:
# /usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm -soundhw ?
Valid sound card names (comma separated):
-soundhw all will enable all of the above
In xen3.1 and xen3.2 it worked ok, also i'm using exactly same gentoo
system configuration and similar kernel config as for xen3.1 and xen3.2.
So I unpacked xen-tools 3.3 sources and compiled qemu manually
I tweaked with tools/ioemu-qemu-xen/xen-setup configure sound options to
no avail. As i allways got:
xen-3.3.0 # ./tools/ioemu-qemu-xen/i386-dm/qemu-dm -soundhw ?
Valid sound card names (comma separated):
-soundhw all will enable all of the above
Then I took xen-tools 3.2.1 sources and compiled qemu manually
and it got compiled with sound drivers out of the box:
xen-3.2.1 # ./ioemu/i386-dm/qemu-dm -soundhw ?
Valid sound card names (comma separated):
sb16 Creative Sound Blaster 16
es1370 ENSONIQ AudioPCI ES1370
-soundhw all will enable all of the above
Anyone has an idea what is wrong with qemu in xen3.3 and how to fix it?
Can i safely use qemu-dm from xen-3.2.1 with xen-3.3 ?
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