RE: [Xen-users] bridge-utils problem
Thanks for all your suggestions.
Finally I found the problem that the interface xenbr0 cannot get the IP
Here is the procedure that I did:
#since dhcpcd starts when eth0 is running, I shut down it.
kill [pid of dhcpcd]
ifconfig eth0
dhclient xenbr0
Without shutdown the dhcpcd which has been run by eth0, dhclient cannot get the
IP for xenbr0.
But I still don't know why this would happen. Did I miss setting anything?
I follow the procedure of the following website which provides solutions in
general cases (not XEN).
I am still wondering what is the right procedure to set IP for xenbr0 while
fetching IP from DHCP?
Any response is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
- Tommy
> Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 19:51:36 +0200
> From: stefan.bauer@xxxxxxxxxxx
> To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Xen-users] bridge-utils problem
> * Tommy Huang [22.09.2008 19:15]:
>> I found that once I "ifdown xenbr0". Then the machine can connect to the
>> Internet immediately.
>> By the way, I allow all traffic in iptables. So the firewall should not be
>> problem now.
>> Any thought? Thanks in advance.
> That sounds like a routing problem. Probably more than one default route
> is active. That can be confirmed by doing a route -n while xenbr0 is up.
> there should only be one entry beginning with
> Regards
> --
> stefan
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