Re: [Xen-users] How to clone a Linux VM
> Hi Todd,
> I see. Thanks. I found them;
> Mini HOWTOs
> http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/HowTos
> Users' Manual Xen v3.0
> http://tx.downloads.xensource.com/downloads/docs/user/
> Support
> http://www.xen.org/support/
> Anymore to add? TIA
Those should get you started, I would also recommend the summits
and also not that some of the information on the wiki is out of date,
that will be worked on over time by the Xen.org community.
If you are looking for a documentation in book format, take a look at
the book that I am co-author of called Running Xen.
> What is the difference btw xensource package and Citric package?
Xen.org open source version of xen is completely free and open source
and supported by the Xen community.
Citrix Xen Server has a few different versions, all based on Xen, but
all with closed source additions on top,
There is an express version which is free in cost, so you can try it
out. Citrix Xen server is supported by Citrix.
Generally this list is for support on the open source Xen, from
xen.org. There are Citrix Xen Server forums
http://forums.citrix.com/category.jspa?categoryID=101 And you can also
purchase commercial support from Citrix.
Hope that helps,
Todd Deshane
check out our book: http://runningxen.com
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