[Xen-users] Re: Network receive performance of Xen
Sahan Gamage schrieb:
Hi All,
I am doing some experiments on network performance of Xen in
uniprocessor environment. I use both iperf and netperf to measure the
TCP transmit and receive performance of domU and I see some strange
asymmetric behavior. The other end of the TCP pipe in these scenarios
is a non-virtualized machine. For transmit I can see about 900 Mbps
and for receive performance I can only see around 400 Mbps.
I searched the web and mailing lists regarding this issue. A
presentation I found [1] suggests I should see equal performance for
both Tx and Rx. But there are some questions in the mailing lists
which suggests otherwise [2], [3]
My machine setup is :
Processor : Intel P4 at 3Ghz (HT disabled)
Mem : 2GB
Dom0 and DomU OS : Debian Etch (Linux kernel 2.6.18-6 with Xen pathces)
Xen version: 3.0.3
Has anyone experienced same problem ? Is this a result of misconfiguration ?
Thanks in advance
[1] http://xen.org/files/xensummit_fall07/16_JoseRenatoSantos.pdf
[2] http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-users/2007-06/msg00004.html
[3] http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-users/2006-04/msg00096.html
P.S: I tried most of the workarounds (changing the scheduler to EDF,
assigning priorities, changing txqueuelen on vifx.x)
3.0.3 is pretty old. Why not try with a newer version of xen?
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